New Moon in Leo 2024

On August 4th, 2024, the Moon aligns with the Sun at 12 degrees of Leo. This New Moon, with its heart-centered energy, is a perfect time to bring awareness to the parts of yourself that inspire you to shine brightly. New Moons, like this one, occur when the moon is positioned between the Sun and Earth, appearing completely dark in the night sky. They mark the beginning of a 28-day lunar cycle, urging us to turn inward, prepare for new starts, and evaluate our growth potential. This New Moon in Leo allows us to awaken the inner child and reconnect with the things that light up our spirit.

 This New Moon in Leo is a wonderful time to familiarize ourselves with our healthy pride. This isn’t referring to the ego-driven pride but rather the genuine confidence that comes from recognizing our self-worth. With Venus in Leo being in a yod aspect with Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Aquarius (both retrograde, by the way!), we are looking directly at the things that relate to our sense of self-love, self-respect, and self-worth. Yod aspects, also known as the “Finger of Fate” or the “Finger of God,” bring an energy of purpose or fated action into our lives. It can be an uncomfortable feeling if it is resisted, but it also has the potential for great alignment with your mission. We can use this yod energy to our advantage by considering the energy of Neptune and Pluto. Pluto retrograde in Aquarius allows us to review the things in our lives that show up as repeated patterns. If there is a central theme that you find challenging in your life, take a closer look at it. Lessons are brought to us repeatedly until they are acknowledged, corrected, and integrated into consciousness. Neptune retrograde in Pisces is helping us identify these patterns. When it comes to these challenges, instead of living in the delusional world of “this is how it has always been,” take a moment to consider that challenge as a repeated pattern. What did you do in these situations in the past, and how can you try to move forward differently? That’s integration, and with that conscious awareness and implementation, you will benefit from the yod energy formed to Venus in Leo, which brings a karmic calling of destiny. The transiting Venus point in your astrological natal chart, 29 degrees of Leo, is the area of your life where you are being guided to grow and learn. This is a soul evolution – embrace the cosmic alchemy.

If you need more encouragement to dive even further into the heart space, this Leo New Moon is in a trine aspect to the North Node in Aries. This harmonious flow blends the fiery enthusiasm of Leo with the pioneering spirit of Aries and encourages us to express ourselves authentically, fearlessly, and purposefully. The North Node reminds us of our purpose in this life, and with the transit through Aries, we are being asked to follow our heart’s desires courageously. Now is the time to assess where we’ve been on our journey and question whether this was due to authentic alignment or passive compliance with the world's conditioning.

Lately, I've been immersed in a project for one of my research classes, and it has prompted a lot of self-reflection. I am a psychology student pursuing a PhD in Developmental Psychology. At my university, there is a strong emphasis on promoting social change. It is a mandatory requirement for students to incorporate this aspect into every class. In fact, the final week of each course is dedicated to examining how our individual work completed throughout the course can contribute to positive social change. In my academic journey, I've delved into numerous studies, articles, theories, and frameworks concerning human development across the lifespan, and the overarching theme always revolves around "How can humans become the best version of ourselves?" The intellectuals in the field develop these models and theories, conduct their studies, and share the results. However, they often fail to acknowledge that society is not structured to enable everyone to become their best selves. Society has established rules, boundaries, and structures that promote the unrealistic ideal of life: a life with a white picket fence, a marriage, 2.5 children, possibly a dog in the yard, a 40-60 hour work week with 14-day paid vacations, and observance of federal holidays. Society traps and denies us the real experiences our souls came here to achieve. The frustrating part is that everyone is aware of this, yet everyone still chooses to accept it out of fear. Higher education teaches us these models and gives us hope to become the best versions of ourselves through these frameworks, models, and research studies. Yet the second we begin to follow our heart’s passions to pursue our purpose, we’re labeled defiant. I have been called a ‘conscientious objector’ a few times throughout my life.

So what is it? Are we here to continue on a path that society created for us that limits our potential? Or are we here to learn, grow, and expand the spirit to enrich the soul?

This New Moon is the spark of a soul evolution – embrace the cosmic alchemy.

Open your heart, activate the passions of your inner child, and allow the energies to alchemize within you.

If you’d like to understand how these energies impact your natal chart, fill out the contact form for a natal chart reading inquiry.


Full Moon in Aquarius 2024


Full Moon in Capricorn 2024