Full Moon in Capricorn 2024
On July 21, 2024, the Full Moon will be illuminated at 29 degrees of Capricorn. The celestial event's energy, infused with water and earth elements, urges us to embrace our inner spiritual compass and let go of outdated cycles dictated by expectations. A Full Moon, a time of heightened energy, occurs when the Sun is directly opposed to the Moon, illuminating the moon's total, radiant energy within the zodiac sign it occupies. This alignment may cause emotions to amplify, but it also brings hidden subconscious thoughts and patterns to our conscious awareness, offering a powerful opportunity for emotional healing and growth.
Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign known for its practicality, discipline, and ambition. Major planets influence the moon in this sign: first, its conjunction with Pluto; second, its sextile to Neptune retrograde in Pisces; and third, its trine to Uranus in Taurus. The blend of Capricorn’s practicality, Uranus’s innovation, and Neptune’s spiritual insight create a potent energy for making meaningful changes. This full moon encourages us to harmonize our ambitions with our internal spiritual wisdom and creativity. By September, Pluto will retrograde to 29 degrees of Capricorn, the same place this full moon occurs. This is closing out a Pluto cycle from 2008, when Puto had its final retrograde in Sagittarius before ingressing into Capricorn. This 29-degree point is known as the degree of fate. It represents the final stage of a sign’s energy, which we must master before moving on to the next phase. This degree can bring a sense of urgency or crisis, as it is the last chance to address the issues related to the sign and house before transitioning into the next one. Regarding the Capricorn full moon, consider where Capricorn is in your natal chart – this is the area of your life where you may be experiencing a clearing or a renovation. This full moon encourages you to address anything relating to that area of your life that is keeping you stuck in repeated patterns.
What does this look like, exactly? I can only speak for myself, as each chart is a unique blueprint of the soul. I have Capricorn in my 7th house, which relates to all relationships, partnerships, and business relationships. I also have Venus located at 29 degrees of Capricorn. This week, I reached a breaking point at my job and realized that aspects of my job completely contradicted my personal values and morals (Venus's qualities). I felt deeply and spiritually suffocated in the work I was doing, dealing with all the red tape, legalities, corruption in upper management, and blatant disrespect toward employees. Although it broke my heart to leave my clients, I knew I had to resign from the position. I could have stayed at the job as it provided financial security, and I was comfortable with the work, but I did not feel spiritually fulfilled. I had to ask myself, "If one of your clients came to you with this exact problem, what would you ask them? What would you say to them?" I had to walk the talk; otherwise, I would have felt like a hypocrite. According to my natal chart and the 29-degree lessons I am to learn through Venus, I had to walk away if I wanted to evolve spiritually. With my knowledge of Pluto returning to 29 degrees of Capricorn in September, I knew that if I didn’t do this willingly, Pluto would have done it for me. And that’s not a lesson I wanted to repeat!
Here's the thing: I do believe that we have free will. I also believe that we all came here with a personal mission and purpose, and I believe that astrology can help guide us to that purpose. We are here on Earth for the experience, so we can take as much time as we want to attain that purpose and live out that mission. However….we will be presented with lessons repeatedly until we make the right decision that aligns us with our purpose. In my experience, the lessons tend to get more and more difficult each time you have to repeat them. I have experienced a similar situation multiple times in my past jobs. In 2012, I encountered the same issue during my college undergraduate program. In 2019, I felt the same misalignment while working in the Navy, and in 2021, I experienced it again in my role as a Sexual Assault Victim Advocate. Now, in 2024, I find myself facing a similar situation in my job in the mental health field. The common thread in each case was the abuse of power by someone in a position of authority (manager, supervisor, or agenda), which conflicted with my personal values and morals. I have learned these lessons repeatedly over the years, but this time, I have chosen a different path. I have made the decision to actively participate in the process of surrender.
Under this full moon, what patterns can you willingly surrender to?
Ground your soul, integrate your lessons, and allow the energies to alchemize within you.
If you want to understand how these energies impact you, fill out the contact form for a natal chart consultation.