New Moon in Cancer 2024

On July 5th, 2024, the Moon aligns with the Sun at 13 degrees of Cancer. This New Moon, with its comforting energy, is a perfect time to implement self-nurturing and emotional intelligence growth strategies. New Moons, like this one, occur when the moon is positioned between the Sun and Earth, appearing completely dark in the night sky. They mark the beginning of a 28-day lunar cycle, urging us to turn inward, prepare for new starts, and evaluate our growth potential. This New Moon in Cancer amplifies our emotional sensitivity and nurtures our inner landscape. It’s a cosmic seed-planting moment, gifting us the opportunity to set intentions aligned with our heart’s desires.

During this New Moon, the Sun and Moon are in a square aspect with the North and South Lunar Nodes. This is a significant alignment because the lunar nodes only serve the pleasers of the Sun and the Moon! The North Node in Aries represents our direction toward growth and evolution. This aspect empowers us to balance existing tendencies, break cycles of compulsion, and evolve emotionally and spiritually. The South Node in Libra reflects where we come from, our karma, and repetitive patterns that we easily become stuck in. When the Sun (our conscious) and the Moon (our subconscious) are in a square aspect to the Nodes, we are encouraged to assess any steps in our life journey that appear as cycles and decide whether we want to repeat these cycles. We all have the choice to continue repeating what is comfortable, automatic, or protective. We also have the choice to expose these patterns for what they are and embark on a new path of becoming more vulnerable, authentic, and adventurous. Square aspects are powerful opportunities for growth by navigating the tension that arises. Growth is not always easy - it requires a conscious look at our role in our personal evolution.

Saturn, the ruler of karma, time, and responsibility, recently stationed retrograde in Pisces. When any planet goes retrograde, it allows us to reconsider, reassess, and recommit. Unless you’re terrified of change, there is nothing to fear regarding a retrograde! Saturn retrograde signifies reconsidering our ambitions, structures, and long-term commitments. Turning inward during this New Moon is the perfect opportunity to refine our strategies and ensure alignment with our soul’s purpose.

Neptune, the ruler of intuition, dreams, and transcendence, also stationed retrograde in Pisces this week. Neptune retrograde signifies the recommitment to our spirit – to honor the whispers of our intuition, dreams, and soul guidance. It’s a call to dissolve the boundaries between the ordinary and the mystical, allowing us to perceive life beyond the material realm.

In elementary school, our principal ended the morning announcements with a simple yet profound phrase: “Make it a great day, or not. The choice is yours.” As a child, I absorbed it without much contemplation; it was just a normal part of our daily routine. This phrase has echoed throughout my life, resurfacing unexpectedly in various moments. Sometimes, it emerged as a playful retort, a gentle nudge to friends who were faced with an inconvenience. Other times, it slipped into my thoughts, reminding me to reevaluate my perspective. Recently, during a frustrating encounter, I found myself muttering those familiar words, and suddenly, it clicked.

It was never just a catchy sign-off; it was a philosophy—an invitation for us, as children, to take ownership of our experiences. And in the moment of anger, as this phrase reappeared, I had a decision to make. I could react impulsively, or I could pause, breathe, and consciously choose my response. My principal’s parting message has become my silent mantra, urging me to navigate life intentionally. It was never about denying challenges or pretending everything was perfect; it was about recognizing agency.

We hold the power of choice in every moment. Even when faced with anger, annoyance, or challenging circumstances, we can consciously decide how we respond. We can either default to familiar habits, tendencies, or coping mechanisms or choose a different path—one that may be calmer, more rational, or better aligned with the context at hand.

This New Moon, as it forms a square aspect with the Lunar Nodes, reminds us of our agency. Life situations may arise that echo our past experiences or recurring patterns. In these moments, we should examine our automatic, subconscious responses. Are they serving us well or perpetuating cycles that no longer serve our growth? By consciously assessing our choices, we can break free from repetitive patterns and evolve toward more intentional and authentic responses.

Remember, the choice is always yours.


Ground your soul, reflect upon your agency, and allow the energies to alchemize within you.


If you’d like to understand how these energies impact you personally, fill out the contact form for a natal chart reading inquiry.


Full Moon in Capricorn 2024


New Moon in Gemini 2024