New Moon in Aquarius 2024

On February 9th 2024, the Moon will conjunct the Sun at 20 degrees of Aquarius, laying the foundation for an insightful New Moon cycle. New Moons occur when the Moon sits between the Sun and the Earth, making the Moon appear completely dark in our night sky. New Moons symbolize the beginning of a 28-day lunar cycle and offer us the opportunity to turn inward, prepare for new beginnings, and assess our unique potential for growth and transformation concerning the sign of the transit. 

Aquarius is symbolized by the Water Bearer, a symbol of the Gods bringing nutrients to the Earth. As an air sign, Aquarius is concerned with seeding the Earth with innovative ideas that help support the evolution of the collective for long-term sustainability and success. Collectively, this New Moon has the potential to help us lay new foundations that will directly influence societal transformation, personal growth, power dynamics, and technology for the next 20 years. 

The New Moon in Aquarius will be in a square aspect to Uranus in Taurus. This aspect can bring about a challenge, but also great reward - square aspects are meant to bring unconscious beliefs/patterns to your conscious awareness for healing and implementation. Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius but is also in its fall position while in transit through Taurus. Uranus in its fall position is considered, in itself, to be a point of struggle with the ability to bring great wisdom with its lessons. Uranus represents our capacity to observe the contents of consciousness from a detached (transcendent) perspective and allow them full emergence into awareness. The capacity to observe without judgment is precisely what enables integration to occur. When we relinquish attachment to a preferred way of experiencing, we allow wholeness of the psyche to manifest. And by not identifying with one part of the self at the expense of another, we transcend limited perspectives and allow the totality of the psyche to be revealed. With the square aspect to this important transit, approach these changes with curiosity and compassion. The journey of Uranus through the sign of Taurus is testing the personal and collective foundations on which we have built our lives. We’re at a ‘sharp turn’ in our lives, where we are being encouraged to develop more self-reliance and question whether our values and belief systems are truly ours, or if they are a product of our programming that we have adopted as our own.

On a collective level, our nation was built upon a foundation - a set of beliefs called The Constitution of the United States. Was that a solid foundation on which to build this country? Maybe it was suitable for its time (and that’s highly debatable), but we’ve evolved so much since it was written, and we need to address the changes. The document was written in 1787, ratified in 1788, and put into operation in 1789. It has gotten us through the past 235 years - but as the past few years have shown us, it is no longer supporting the collective. It’s also important to mention that during the time the U.S. Constitution was written, Pluto was in Aquarius. With its unique orbit, Pluto takes about 248 years to orbit the Sun, transiting every sign of the Zodiac and spending anywhere between 15-30 years in each sign. Now, 235 years later, Pluto has almost taken a full trip around the Sun to reach the point it sat at when the U.S. Constitution was written. Pluto has once again entered the sign of Aquarius. It’s time for a revolution - the old ways are no longer supportive of the times we are entering. 

The New Moon is also making a sextile aspect to the North Node and Chiron in Aries. This is a positive yet subtle aspect - it shows us where we can begin to explore new pathways for growth within our collective and also new journeys of growth into our individual’s soul purpose (North Node). Chiron is known as the “Wounded Healer” in astrology - representing your deepest inner wounds that are also your greatest strengths. Chiron teaches us that our wounds are not our weaknesses to be hidden, but instead, they can show us our greatest strength that can lead us to profound understanding, compassion, and wisdom. We are meant to learn from these wounds, find the lessons within them, implement them into our lives, and then share that knowledge with others when appropriate. With the New Moon in sextile to Chiron and the North Node in Aries, this is an opportunity for us to recognize that we need our foundations to evolve with the times we are in, and we don’t necessarily have to approach it aggressively, in a ‘war-like’ (Aries) manner. Instead, this New Moon is gifting us the opportunity to approach it from a point of focused intellect. With this understanding, the Revolutionary War could be considered our ‘Chiron Wound’ that we are supposed to learn from. We don’t have to fight for change physically if we can instead approach it intellectually. We can assess the damage that was done regarding war, violence, and control - and choose another path: a path forged from our lessons, understandings, compassion, and wisdom. War, violence, and fear are outdated ways to gain power and control - I like to think that we have evolved and understand that this type of collective trauma is unnecessary. Maybe 248 years ago it was the answer, but this time, let’s give peace a chance

The New Moon is also in a trine aspect to the South Node in Libra. A trine aspect is typically an easy, harmonious aspect that brings opportunity and luck. It can be very easy and comfortable to fall back on old ways of justice - by use of power, control, fear, and violence. But is this really the best way to move forward with change towards a better future? I don’t believe it is. The South Node represents our past and our karma. If we choose to go towards a promising future by repeating a devastating past cycle of war, violence, and abuse of power and control, we will only end up with the same generational trauma that we have inherited from the past 248 years. Libra is an air sign that seeks balance and justice - we must approach this next 248-year cycle with intellect to bring balance and justice to the collective. 

Consider these aspects within your personal life: 

  • Where can I embrace new change in my life?

  • What internal values and belief systems do I need to address to achieve this?

  • How can I use lessons from my past to allow this change to enter my life in a more balanced way?

The biggest message from this New Moon in Aquarius is “Old ways won’t open new doors”. If we continue to do what we have always done, we can expect to achieve the same results. Are we willing to repeat our past and relive the same traumas? Or are we optimistic, and ready to embark on a new adventure, a new journey?

When you learn to work with the Universe, you will begin to see the patterns of truth. The Universe wants to guide and support you, but you have to accept responsibility and prepare to become the agent of change. You have to lay new foundations.

Ground your soul, use your intellect, and allow the energies to alchemize within you.


Full Moon in Virgo 2024


Full Moon in Leo 2024