Full Moon in Leo 2024

On January 25th, 2024 the Full Moon will be completely illuminated at 5 degrees in the fire sign of Leo. A Full Moon occurs when the Sun is directly in opposition to the Moon, illuminating the full energy of the moon along with the integration of qualities of the zodiac sign it occupies. This may cause our emotions to amplify, as well as anything that is stored in the subconscious mind. The Sun is ‘bringing to light’ anything we are keeping hidden within our psyche. With this transit, the Full Moon is asking us to release anything that is keeping us from achieving our heart’s true desires. Leo is a fixed fire sign, meaning that it holds a consistent energy of passion and confidence, balanced with a commitment to practical and hardworking follow through. 

The Moon is involved in a challenging T-Square aspect: a combination composed of an opposition to the Sun in Aquarius, with both celestial bodies then making square aspects with Jupiter in Taurus. The Sun is considered to be ‘detriment’ in Aquarius, meaning that it is at its weakest strength. The Sun holds the energy of our consciousness - so if you don’t know exactly where you intend to go right now, that’s a natural feeling. Use the energy of this Full Moon to get out of your mind and get into your heart. Leo rules the heart - use this energy to release any conscious and subconscious thoughts/beliefs/patterns of ‘trying to figure it out with logic’. Instead, connect to your heart, and let your passion lead the way.

Completing the T-Square, both the Sun and Moon are in a square aspect to Jupiter in Taurus. Jupiter is a planet of expansion, and Taurus is a sign of value and security. Square aspects are challenging but they are intended to bring certain subconscious matters to our conscious awareness. Finding a grounded, balanced approach is the key to navigating this aspect. Leo carries a quality of ‘simplicity’, as its sole focus is directed upon matters that are inspired by passion - anything with emotional heaviness or complication gets in the way.  Aquarius carries the quality of ‘innovation’ and is concerned with humanitarian efforts that benefit the whole - anything that is outdated and no longer working gets in the way.

Consider these questions within your own life: 

  • Where do you feel that you need more stability to achieve your heart’s desires and goals?

  • What is currently holding you back from following the guidance of your heart?  

  • Are you utilizing all of your natural strengths to your fullest potential? 

  • What resources are available to help you achieve your dreams? 

It can be extremely challenging to ask our conscious mind to take a back seat and allow our heart to lead us. Especially when we have been instructed on how to live our lives from the moment of birth. We were told what colors to wear, according to our sex at birth. We were told what toys to play with according to our gender. We were told what emotions we could or couldn’t have. We were told what classes we had to take in school, even when they were not aligned with our interests. We were told what careers to have, based on a ‘promise’ of a better quality of life. We were brainwashed to believe that the structure of life was implemented to support our growth. 

When you consider where we learned these things we are ‘supposed’ to do, you can trace it back to the foundations of our fixed education system. John D. Rockefeller was a massive investor in education reform, which ultimately shaped the modern American school system that we know today. His monetary contributions helped fund research and promote policy changes to ensure that “schools would train students in the skills and disciplines needed by corporations in the emerging industrial economy”. Rockefeller founded the General Education Board and has been quoted to say, “I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers.” It’s no wonder the majority of the population cannot think for themselves and seek external validation - because we have all, quite literally, been trained this way! 

It’s infuriating to know that our society has directly taught us how to disconnect from ourselves, our minds, our passions, and our souls. Be gentle with yourself as you learn how to reconnect to your heart during this Full Moon. It takes courage and strength to decide to live life for yourself, and not for a corrupt, industrialized world led by abusive elitists. Tune into your heart first, to reconnect with your true passion. Then, use your brilliant mind to make a plan to ground that passion into your reality. The Universe thanks you for your courage. 

The biggest message for this Full Moon is to “allow your passion to guide you to your purpose”. Release any external expectations that were projected onto you. We are moving towards a world in which we no longer allow others to control our destiny. We are experiencing a huge awakening within our collective consciousness - and we are no longer blindly following the path that was paved for us. Connecting to your soul is your greatest strength, and this connection will guide you. 

When you learn to work with the Universe, you will begin to see the magic of truth. The Universe wants to guide and support you. 

Ground your soul, listen to your heart, and allow the energies to alchemize within you.


New Moon in Aquarius 2024


The Problem of Fear