New Moon in Scorpio 2024
On November 1, 2024, the Moon will align with the Sun at 9 degrees of Scorpio, creating a new lunar cycle. A New Moon occurs when the Moon is positioned between the Sun and Earth, making it appear completely dark in the night sky. This event marks the beginning of a 28-day lunar cycle, encouraging us to turn inward, prepare for new beginnings, and evaluate our potential for growth. This New Moon in Scorpio can help us establish new routines that enhance our well-being, creating a healthy foundation for our spiritual expansion.
However, this New Moon feels different, doesn’t it? Eclipse season has come to an end, and many things are shifting on a collective level. Personally, I've felt overwhelmed by the energy in the past couple of months. To cope, I’ve taken a break from the collective by stepping away from social media and news and spending time alone with my dogs—it has been challenging!
In this post, I plan to approach the blog differently. I want to tune into the energy and act as a channel for information, rather than analyzing the astrological aspects. Also, if you haven't looked at a transit chart for this New Moon, you'll notice that no aspects are being made to it! Weird, huh? I believe this is intentional. As you read further, you'll realize that the focus of this New Moon isn’t about what the external influences are doing to the internal; rather, it's about what the internal is projecting onto the external.
Scorpio, ruled by the planets Mars and Pluto, is a sign associated with deep introspection and transformation. With the Sun, Moon, and Mercury in this sign, and no major aspects affecting the Sun and Moon, I interpret this energy as a reset point. Eclipse season has passed, and ideally, it has revealed to you the areas in your life that you need to release, adjust, or expand. This was the phase for discussions and reflections. Now, it’s time to take action—but not in the way you might expect.
Scorpio season is not about outward physical actions or focusing on others; it’s a period that emphasizes the deeply personal and internal. This reset point is an opportunity to get honest with yourself. It’s a time to confront the secrets, lies, and hidden aspects that keep you feeling stuck. Reflect on the severity of these issues: How do they harm you? Where did they originate? Why do they provide you with a sense of comfort? What steps can you take to transform them?
The more you delve into these aspects, the clearer your understanding will become. It isn't always easy. This past week, when I confronted these issues myself, I felt as if I were dying. In a way, part of me was—and still is. This is the transformative, alchemical process of nature; it reflects the cycle of life.
If we don't examine the less obvious aspects of our lives, we can easily get trapped in habits that feel automatic and become a natural part of our routines. This makes it easy to overlook their existence, and as a result, these habits can start to control our lives.
When is enough, enough? Only you can determine that for yourself, and that’s precisely what this New Moon in Scorpio is encouraging us to consider. It invites us to dig deeper and understand that the issues we visibly see are often not the real problems. Instead, it’s the things we conceal from ourselves that hold the greatest potential for creating significant change.
Uncover what’s hidden, feel into the buried emotion, and allow the energies to alchemize within you.