Full Moon in Sagittarius 2024
On May 23rd, 2024, the Full Moon will be illuminated at 2 degrees of Sagittarius. The energy of this celestial event, infused with the elements of air and fire, encourages us to embrace our adventurous spirit and step out of our comfort zones. A Full Moon, a time of heightened energy, occurs when the Sun is directly opposed to the Moon, illuminating the moon's total, radiant energy within the zodiac sign it occupies. This alignment may cause emotions to amplify, but it also brings hidden subconscious thoughts and patterns to our conscious awareness, offering a powerful opportunity for emotional healing and growth.
At the heart of this lunar cycle, we have the Sun, in the air sign of Gemini, and the Moon, in the fire sign of Sagittarius, in a powerful opposition. This cosmic dance encourages expansion, both intellectually and spiritually. They beckon us to explore new horizons, seek knowledge, and broaden our perspectives. The Sun spotlights the areas of our psyche where we tend to hold ourselves back or make fear-based decisions. Under this Full Moon, it’s time to become aware of routines or ruts that we’ve formed to hold on to what is familiar. Sagittarius craves newness, and boredom only causes frustration. If you find areas where you feel stagnant and bored, remember, you have the power to tap into your soul - your internal guidance system - and allow your spirit to expand by taking a leap of faith. Your soul always knows the higher meaning of a situation. What may appear to be a roadblock could be a valuable lesson that needs to be integrated to evolve spiritually.
During this Full Moon, it's essential to consider other significant factors. Venus and Jupiter are conjunct in Taurus, amplifying Venus's influence as it is at home in Taurus. This conjunction may lead to heightened optimism, stability, self-value, and self-love. These planets are making a trine aspect to Pluto retrograde in Aquarius – an opportunity to assess any areas of the shadow relating to limiting beliefs of self-doubt, lack, or restriction. These planets independently make sextile aspects to Neptune at its final degree in Pisces; we are encouraged to address these issues to evolve spiritually and authentically.
We are currently experiencing an exciting astrological period. Pluto is in its final retrograde in Capricorn, serving as a review period. It's a chance to reflect on the aspects of ourselves that we have been conditioned to commit to and consider which aspects no longer align with our true selves. This is an opportunity to integrate the lessons Pluto has taught us over the past 15 years - to break free from old patterns and operate at a more authentic frequency. As Pluto transitions back into Aquarius at the end of this year, the old conditioning may feel more unaligned when operating on old blueprints. We are entering a new age and must evolve to support the changes. In addition, Jupiter is preparing to enter Gemini, causing potential tension as Jupiter's expansive and optimistic nature clashes with Gemini's restless and indecisive energies. We must learn to adapt and embrace curiosity to navigate these challenges as we learn to navigate away from a world struggling to accept change. More often than not, living authentically requires drastic internal and external changes.
I believe that authenticity is a foreign concept for humans, simply because we do not have a grasp on emotional intelligence. In psychology, the idea of emotional intelligence was initially met with skepticism. Before the 1960s, the behavioralist viewpoint of most scholars reduced emotions to tendencies of reacting to stimuli. Jean Piaget’s exploration of cognitive development allowed more focus on studying human emotions as an independent cognitive function. For those who don’t know, emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognize and distinguish one’s emotions from those of others and then use this understanding to guide one’s actions and decisions. Therefore, we cannot correctly assess and manage our emotions or actions without living authentically.
How do we grasp the concept of authenticity in a world that seems to push us away from it? From the day we are born, we are conditioned to fit into specific roles based on our gender. We are taught to dress, act, play, and learn in specific ways. This conditioning begins when we take our first breath and start to lose our true selves. So, asking you to think about your authentic, uninhibited nature under this Full Moon might seem a bit unfair, doesn't it?
It's not easy to break free from the molds we've been placed in, but if there's ever a time to do it, it's now. Whether we like it or not, the world will never return to how it was because it simply wasn't working. Collectively, we find ourselves stuck in repetitive cycles of inflation, poverty, crime, division, and war. This isn't new; it's a pattern. If we want to see change, we must change ourselves at the most basic and fundamental levels. We must embrace the parts of ourselves that we've been told to hide—the uncomfortable pieces. We must reconnect with our authentic nature and discover who we truly are.
During this Full Moon in Sagittarius, I invite you to step out of your comfort zone, align with the energy of hope, and heal the part of yourself that’s scared of the unknown. This is a universal call to embrace change and growth, and it resonates with all of us, no matter where we are on our journey.
Ground your soul, integrate your authentic nature, and allow the energies to alchemize within you.
If you’d like to understand how these energies impact you personally, fill out the contact form for a natal chart reading inquiry.