New Moon in Capricorn 2024
On December 30, 2024, the Moon will align with the Sun at 9 degrees of Capricorn, creating a new opportunity for individual and collective rebirth. A New Moon occurs when the Moon is positioned between the Sun and Earth, making it appear completely dark in the night sky. This event marks the beginning of a 28-day lunar cycle, encouraging us to turn inward, prepare for new beginnings, and evaluate our potential for growth. This New Moon in Capricorn can help us establish new structures, routines, and boundaries to create a solid foundation for the upcoming year.
There are no significant aspects related to this New Moon; however, the rest of the chart indicates that we are preparing for a collective draconic shift. I’ll explain this further. This New Moon is 'quiet,' lacking major aspects, and Pluto is no longer in the sign of Capricorn, where it has resided for the past sixteen years. The Moon and the Sun are in a period of rest, preparing us for something significant. Meanwhile, there is an intriguing aspect in our astrological chart: a mystic rectangle! This unique configuration occurs when two pairs of planets are in opposition to each other while also having two pairs of planets that form harmonious aspects, such as sextiles and trines, creating a rectangular shape in the chart.
Two Oppositions:
Pluto in Aquarius oppose Mars retrograde in Leo / North Node in Aries oppose South Node in Libra
Two Sextiles:
Pluto sextile the North Node / Mars sextile the South Node
Two Trines:
Pluto trine the South Node / Mars trine the North Node
The combination of oppositions, which create awareness and tension, along with harmonious aspects that offer solutions, helps us balance and integrate different parts of our lives, depending on the locations of these houses in your natal chart. The mystic rectangle formed by Pluto and the Lunar Nodes highlights significant transformation and karmic lessons. The North Node encourages us to focus on the future, while the South Node prompts reflection on past experiences and lessons learned. Additionally, with Mars in retrograde, there is a greater emphasis on harmonizing action with introspection, as well as balancing assertiveness with diplomacy and fairness.
It's essential to take some time to reflect on how this astrological configuration affects your personal life. The day after, we will all undergo a collective draconic shift when the North Node reaches 0 degrees of Aries. This moment signifies the alignment of the transit chart with each individual's draconic chart.
The draconic chart is connected to our soul's deeper purpose. Unlike the natal chart, which reflects the celestial alignments at the time and place of your birth, the draconic chart is centered on the position of the Moon's North Node. In the draconic chart, all the planets and points from your natal chart are recalculated based on the position of the North Node, effectively shifting your entire chart. This shift provides a new perspective that is believed to reveal your soul's purpose, past life influences, and deeper spiritual themes. Astrologers utilize draconic charts to seek a deeper understanding of an individual’s spiritual journey and karmic lessons, adding another layer to the astrological blueprint.
The combination of the New Moon’s beginnings, the transformative mystic rectangle, and the North Node’s critical degree creates a powerful symbolism of rebirth and renewal for the collective. This is a profound shift where we, as a collective, are given the chance to move forward with renewed purpose and clarity. The silence of the New Moon gives us all the individual opportunity to rest and recalibrate before shifting into a new dimension.
Ground your energy, build foundations for new beginnings, and allow the energies to alchemize within you.
If you’d like to understand how these energies impact you personally, explore our guidance session.