New Moon in Capricorn 2024
On January 11, 2024, the Moon will conjunct the Sun at 20° of Capricorn. This new moon holds powerfully transformative energies, with supportive aspects to help us create new structures and routines that are better aligned with our long term visions and soul belief systems.
The Sun and Moon will be making a T-Square to the North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra. This energy can feel intense, as we are being asked to review our subconscious motivations and belief systems of the past that we were once conditioned to believe, and turn towards our soul’s belief systems that will better align us to our goals for the future.
Sometimes our subconscious patterns and belief systems keep us safe, allowing us to remain stuck in cycles that do not promote growth.We often hear or use the term ‘triggered’ when we feel something is uncomfortable, or bringing past traumas to the surface of our emotions. I am not dismissing anyone’s traumas, but instead, I am asking you to consider whether or not you have been allowing these ‘triggers’ to be your crutch, keeping you stuck in that trauma, or holding on to that fear or discomfort? If you are someone who may have experienced trauma, know that trauma will always be a part of your past, and is not something that you can just ‘erase’. This is where the clinical diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is given. However, most people are not discussing the Post-Traumatic Growth (PTG) that can occur when we decide to look this trauma in the face, and ask it to teach us what we need to learn. Doing this can be scary. Hell, it can be terrifying. But when we hold on close to a trauma/trigger, we are ultimately putting the responsibility on others to ‘tiptoe around’ these triggers to keep us ‘safe’. As a mental health counselor, this is not the way we are supposed to carry our traumas and triggers in life. It is irresponsible for us to put that expectation of being mindful of anything that may trigger us on to others just to make ourselves feel comfortable. There is no possible way any one person can tiptoe around every single trigger of every single person. It is our responsibility to heal from these traumas, and learn how to navigate life with out using our traumas and triggers as a shield.
Healing is never comfortable, in fact, it is absolute chaos - with widespread emotions, thoughts, and fears. Growth only comes when we are ready to face our traumas and fears head on and say, “You no longer control me. I am no longer giving my power away to a person or situation that made me a victim. I am victorious in claiming this power back that was taken away from me. I no longer allow this person or situation to control my life.” Trust me, I’ve had to do this many times in my life, and it is a very difficult assignment. I could not have done it without the help of trusted professionals.
Additionally, if we feel comfortable, why would we want to change what's been working? Growth comes from finding the courage to do things that push us outside of our comfort zone, and the confidence to lean into that scary edge of the unknown. This can be an exciting new adventure, so long as you approach it with optimism and courage.
Pluto is ending its 16-year cycle in Capricorn this year, meaning that we are all on the precipice of change, individually and collectively. Collectively, the energy of Pluto in Capricorn is asking us to review the outdated structures, belief systems, and rules that are no longer aligned with the evolution of society. Individually, this refers to the personal beliefs, morals, and ethics that are different for all of us. We were all indoctrinated into a societal belief system that is commonly accepted. I have never been one to “blindly follow” anyone, or anything. Ask any teacher I have had throughout my life, I always question the things that I have been taught. That’s what Pluto is asking you to consider in your personal belief systems. Do these values, morals, ethics align with who I am on a soul level? Do my personal belief systems align with what I’ve been conditioned to accept? If not, what changes can I make to be better aligned with my soul’s beliefs?
At its lower vibration, the energies that Pluto carries can cause us to panic and become fearful of change. Pluto's domain is also related to paranoia, obsessions, and addictions. Being mindful of this duality can help us better recognize when we are staying safe out of fear, or choosing to alchemize this energy for our growth and upliftment.
Luckily, this new moon provides us with a boost of energy to dive into the depths of the unknown. Mars and Pluto are transiting this cardinal sign of Capricorn together for the very last time in our lives. Pluto will be dancing between Aquarius and Capricorn throughout this year, but will remain in Aquarius in November 2024. This will be the last Capricorn new moon, in our lives, that will be supported by both Pluto and Mars transiting this earth sign.
Mars is exalted in Capricorn, giving us the fire energy to set our goals higher, while maintaining a sense of discipline and focus. Mars asks us to take action, and Capricorn is ensuring that we do this with purpose and strategic planning. During this new moon transit, Mars will also be in a square aspect to Uranus in Taurus. Uranus is here encouraging us to “lift the veil” that has been covering our soul’s belief systems, instead of relying on the systems that we have been conditioned to abide by. This Mars square Uranus aspect is here to help us better align to our soul’s beliefs, and to help us become grounded into these soul-aligned belief systems. With a square aspect, we may feel a sense of inner tension between what we have been told to be true, and what actually feels true for us. Understand that Mars is supported here in Capricorn, and wants to help us make the necessary changes to our inner belief systems, so that we can boldly and courageously ground these changes into our external environment.
Blending with the energy of Mars, the Moon and Sun will create a harmonious trine aspect with Uranus in Taurus. This will allow us to further connect with our intuition and better understanding the unique language of our souls. These energies may help empower you to trust your soul's message, and to help you address any restricting or limiting beliefs that have been long overdue for release. Pay attention to the synchronicities and messages you come across during this transit - these are the breadcrumbs leading you back to your truth, back to your soul.
It's important to discuss that while these energies are extremely supportive, Uranus is sill in retrograde, and won't be stationing direct until January 27th, 2024. This is when some true magic or rebellion begins to show up in our personal lives, and in the collective. It is all dependent on the work YOU have done to address the topics previously discussed. Are you going to put in the work, even though this retrograde may have you felling that your efforts aren't working? It's not about waiting for the "right moment", there is no "right moment" when you are working with the universe. The universe is ALWAYS working for you, you just have to prove that you're showing up for yourself every single day. It's always beneficial to be proactive rather than reactive. Set yourself up for success with these blended energies, the universe always rewards your positive efforts.
The biggest message for this new moon is "Don't freak out, slow andsteady wins the race!" YOU are always in control of your growth and evolution, and you have these powerfully transformational energies of support during this lunar phase. Use this energy wisely, we will never have it again in our lives.
Ground your soul, listen to your intuition, and allow the energies to alchemize within you.