The Start of Something New: Jessica’s Journey
Welcome! My name is Jessica, and I am excited that you’re interested in this journey!
I created this blog to help myself organize my work, and hopefully inspire others through sharing my journey. I am blessed to have an amazingly talented friend (Sarah) who was able to bring this passion project to life through the building of this website, and I have encouraged her to write her own little introduction that will also be posted to the Blog and About page.
I spent the majority of my life feeling out of place in this world. I now understand this to relate to my abilities of clairsentience. I never had a solid group of friends that I felt connected to on a soul level, and often found myself wandering among various friend groups. I never felt connected to the societal constructs of Earth, and often felt misaligned with my family members and friends. During early childhood, I experienced the biggest traumas of my life, beginning with witnessing the death of my mother. Although it was a very traumatic experience for me, I realized that my soul was able to connect with her soul that day, and I vividly remember seeing and hearing her spirit tell me, “Everything will be okay…it’ll all be ok.” I held on to this vision my entire life, never telling anyone what I saw and felt that day because, at 8 years old, I was unsure of what I experienced myself! It has been a lifelong journey to understand this was a very spiritual experience. I now understand this memory as a glimpse of my abilities of clairvoyance and clairaudience. I am now at a place where I feel safe and confident enough to share this journey publicly.
Throughout my school-age years, I often daydreamed my way through classes, never fully caring about the topics I was learning, with the exception of mathematics, science, and Latin. I received high grades in all subjects, somehow understanding the information that I never studied for. I now understand this experience as an aspect of my claircognizance. There have always been things that I ‘just knew’, and I could not logically explain it to another person, so I never did.
In middle school, I was introduced to Seventeen magazine, where they would have a section for horoscopes at the back of each monthly edition. I never resonated with these horoscopes because every Capricorn horoscope talked about ‘achievement’ and ‘dedication’ and ‘structure’ - all things I never considered myself to embody. I felt otherworldly and different. I would wake up every morning after experiencing vivid dreams of my life in other realms, and I would look for a “zipper” on my body to get out of my “human suit”. I began to do my own search into astrology and Asked Jeeves why I didn’t feel like a true Capricorn. I then dove into the abyss of the astrological world, learning how to cast my natal chart and how to understand the houses and planets.
At 16 years old, my grandmother and I stumbled upon a tarot reader in a little town of Michigan and decided to be spontaneous together. We both received readings from this stranger in a garden store closet, and we were shocked at the accuracy of each reading. I remember my grandmother crying during her reading as the reader began communicating with her sister, who had passed away years prior. I was intrigued by this skill, as I always could see and communicate with family members who had passed away, such as my mom. I kept this tarot reading experience in the back of my mind to unpack later.
When high school graduation came around, I had no idea what I wanted to do in life and did not feel prepared enough to dedicate my life to one suggested field of study. However, as I was indoctrinated to do, I attended a university to obtain a degree. I quickly realized that this was not my path - I learned that I hated college more than the other 12 years of schooling I had completed. I dropped out of college during my Sophomore year and enlisted in the United States Navy. I had never wanted to join the military, but I knew that there was something there for me, and I was excited to jump into something new.
I spent 7 years on active-duty service and worked as an Aviation Electronics Technician. I was able to meet a variety of individuals and experienced a great deal of learning during that time. From this adventure, I knew that I loved listening to people’s life stories and loved helping others navigate the complexities of life. For 6 of these years, I volunteered as a Sexual Assault Victim Advocate, and found a passion for advocacy and healing. This volunteer work allowed me to heal my own traumas of sexual assault and gain a deeper understanding of the way our brain keeps our bodies safe. I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, and upon leaving the military, accepted a full-time position as a civilian Sexual Assault Victim Advocate working for the Department of the Navy.
During my adult career, I became fascinated with the field of Psychology, particularly the field of psychoanalytic psychology. Carl Jung became my inspiration for continuing my education in the field due to his never-widely accepted theories. I felt a kindred spirit type of vibe with him, especially when I learned that he utilized tarot, astrology, and dream interpretation in his work as a psychoanalytic psychologist. This led me to obtain a Master of Science in Developmental Psychology. Of course, all of my teachers challenged my intelligence when I cited the works of Jung, but I didn’t care. I truly believed Jung was on to something, and it was now my personal mission to investigate this further.
After receiving my master’s degree, I decided that the only way I was going to understand the field of clinical counseling was to actually become a mental health counselor. However, my degree did not allow me to become licensed in my state, or any state for that matter. From this, I learned that the laws are ridiculous and ‘didn’t apply to me’. I found a community mental health agency that allowed me to work under the direct supervision of a licensed mental health counselor as an ‘Agency Affiliated Counselor’. I continue to work with this agency today and enjoy working with clients to support their healing journeys. This job has made me become highly self-taught in the field of clinician counseling, which is something I actually prefer. I did take counseling courses during my graduate studies, but I thought they were subpar and did not prepare individuals for “real-life scenarios” as I have had my entire life. I believe Phil Stutz described this feeling as “Same scene, different venue”. I still personally believe that master's level counseling degrees are a joke and that if someone has to be ‘trained’ to learn how to help someone heal, they are not true healers to begin with. This is a significant problem that I have with society - the licensing and credentialing process is absurd and only serves those who make a profit from it. I believe that true healers hold the sacred knowledge within their souls and will become reconnected and awakened to the knowledge in divine timing. But hey, we are all on our own journeys, and this is just a small portion of mine.
Over the past decade of my life, I have been reintroduced to information that I absorbed during my high school education, such as mathematics, science, Latin, and Greek Mythology. All of this knowledge returned to me effortlessly as my research in astrology increased. In 2014, I found a professional astrologer with whom my soul resonated. I felt like I had finally found someone who understood me on a soul level, which I had never experienced. I began listening to his daily horoscopes and weekly lectures, and when available, I completed all of the tiered-level astrology classes that he offered. I spent all of my free time researching astrology on my own, and while never having met this professional astrologer or having direct communication with him, he absolutely opened up my soul to the information I knew I had been carrying with me for lifetimes. I continue to study under this astrologer and am on a mission to utilize the things he has taught me, merge them with my passion for psychology, and help heal others and allow them to awaken to their unique soul purpose. I fully believe that it is one of my missions in this lifetime to help connect others to their divine potential and help guide them throughout their journeys - to the best of my abilities, with the tools I have collected along the way.
The tools I utilize in my work include a mixed collection of decades of study/work of - Greek Mythology, Psychology (BA in Psychology / MS in Developmental Psychology), Mental Health Counseling (Licensed AAC), Victim Advocacy, Philosophy, Astrology, Human Design, Reiki® energy healing (Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master Training / Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master Training), Yoga Teacher Training (200hr RYT), Trauma-Informed Yoga Teacher Training (40hr), and of course the personal traumas and complexities of being a starseed in a human body. I am honored to be able to pull from such a wide range of information and incorporate all aspects of my training and research into my healing work. When I was very misunderstood as a child, I independently took this journey to find my soul and had excellent teachers and mentors help guide me along the way.
I currently work part-time as a Mental Health Counselor at a community non-profit organization. When I am not working there, I teach yoga classes in the Hatha and Yin styles at my local yoga studio. In my spare time, I research and learn more about my interests mentioned above. I recently decided to create this blog to help organize all of this information and share it with those who resonate.
If you feel called to work with me, fill out the form on the contact page for inquiries. Right now, I am in the beginning stages of building this blog, and I am very selective with what I can offer. I am open to providing astrology readings, tarot readings, energy healing sessions, and guidance sessions on a case-by-case basis. I will not post prices, as I do not want the inability of an individual to pay me to deter them from seeking support. I will work with each individual on pricing at the level you can afford.
It is part of my mission to help you navigate home to your soul.